There are people who leave a mark; good or bad, but anyway irreversible. For a moment, a word, a hug, a tear or even a smile ... They made us fear something, or like something that we never expected to like. Opened our eyes, even for what was right ahead. Shown us a little of them and ourselves...
Gave us strength, or took a bit of our with them. Shared tears and smiles. Created memories and ideas that we know we’ll never forget because with them we become a little more than we were before. Some stay; others go – sometimes so quickly that we don’t have the time to ask: 'Where did they go?’. The time can pass, the world can give a few more laps and certain things can actually change, because nothing is permanent. But those who left mark will never be forgotten...
[no dead person inspired this text; i focus only on the living ones]
By: Andie F . Maars
For the people who left us, will always leave a memory somewhere, a little mark.
ReplyDeleteBut we'll always need to walk forward ;)
Keep it up ;)
Dear nina,
ReplyDeleteI wasn't really thinking about the flower in question, when I posted the picture (if you google 'never forgotten' as a picture, it's what shows up)... :D
But somehow you're a little correct. 'Lilly' is, in fact one of my best friends (although I wasn't thinking about her when I wrote it; it's more about people in general that changed my life somehow). Anyway, I'm glad you liked it.
- Andie
I totally agree with you Andie. I also had a lot of people that passed through my life and are now gone, but I still remember all the good they did to me, all the things I learned with them and the moments we shared.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could keep them all close to me but we have to let them go if that's their wishes. I'm free, and so are they; they deserve the right of doing what they think is the best to them; I just wish there had stayed a little closer but life it's not fair, is it?!
And I'll never forget that, thanks to them, I'm a better person today :D